Top San Francisco Beaches | San Francisco Travel-贝博体彩
Baker beach

Top San Francisco Beaches

贝博体彩app的海滩提供了令人叹为观止的景色以及大量的徒步旅行, kite-flying, surfing, relaxing and more.

它们可能不是南加州以温暖和阳光充足而闻名的品种, but San Francisco has no shortage of beaches. If you’re looking for a beautiful outdoor excursion, 贝博体彩app的海滩提供了令人叹为观止的景色以及大量的徒步旅行, kite-flying, surfing, relaxing and more.

Baker Beach

This popular beach in the Presidio offers the best ocean view of the Golden Gate Bridge and the Marin Headlands. 大浪和激流使水不适合游泳, but it is a beautiful place for sunbathing and picnicking. You can sometimes watch sea lions and porpoises in the early morning. 或者,在海滩的悬崖边沿着海岸小径徒步旅行. 一定要留意加州的州立岩,蛇纹岩. 请注意,贝克海滩的北侧是“不穿衣服”的,经常有裸体日光浴者光顾.

How To Get There: To reach Baker Beach using public transit, 乘坐38路Geary Muni巴士,转乘29路Sunset Muni巴士. 如果你开车,沿着林肯大道有路标可以到达海滩. 这里有免费停车场,但在阳光明媚的日子里,车位很快就会被填满.

你有时可以在清晨看到海狮和鼠海豚. 或者,在海滩的悬崖边沿着海岸小径徒步旅行.

China Beach (East Beach)

如果你想找一个最安全的家庭海滩, China Beach offers shallow waters for kids to play in. 这个小海湾夹在兰兹角和贝克海滩之间,还以马林岬角和金门大桥的壮观景色为特色. It is also a great spot to have a picnic or a barbecue. 在退潮时从中国海滩到贝克海滩散步,寻找海星, anemones, and mussels clinging to the rocky crevices of the cliff. 以过去在这里扎营的中国渔民命名, 在海崖大道尽头的停车场附近,你可以看到一座纪念中国滩早期居民的纪念碑. Please note: 中国海滩禁止携带宠物、火堆和玻璃容器.

How To Get There: 中国海滩位于海崖和第28大道的海崖附近. 从El Camino del Mar出发,跟着写着“公共海滩”的棕色小标志走.“中国海滩的停车位非常有限,只有不到40个车位. To get there on San Francisco Muni, 在林肯/卡米诺德尔玛街和第25大道交汇处下29路公交车,然后向西走, 或者乘坐加州1路公交车到加州街和第30大道.

Lands End

这是贝博体彩app最不知名的海滩之一, 兰兹角是一颗隐藏的宝石,隐蔽在林肯公园以西的戏剧性悬崖后面. 可以通过陡峭的小径到达,最好穿结实的鞋子来这里. 而海滩本身是晒日光浴或野餐的好地方, swimming is prohibited due to dangerous water conditions. 沿着悬崖的美丽徒步旅行真正使兰兹角成为一个不容错过的景点. Along the way, you’ll see hillsides of cypress and wildflowers, catch glimpses of old shipwrecks, wander around the old ruins of the Sutro Baths and stop at the Lookout Visitor Center. 梅里路(Merrie Way)停车场的步道起点处也有可供轮椅通行的步道.

How To Get There: Park your car at West Fort Miley, or you can also look for parking at El Camino Del Mar, and the Cliff House.

这是贝博体彩app最不知名的海滩之一, 兰兹角是一颗隐藏的宝石,隐蔽在林肯公园以西的戏剧性悬崖后面.

Ocean Beach

A classic California beach experience, 海洋海滩沿着城市的整个西侧延伸,可以看到太平洋的全景. 由于危险的激流和极冷的水温,不建议游泳. 只有最有经验的冲浪者才可在大洋泳滩游泳,请注意. Enjoy walking along 3.5 miles of coast, flying a kite, 或者在海滩的指定区域野餐或生火.

How To Get There: 沿着大公路以及沿着海洋海滩的众多小街都有停车场. 它也可以通过一些公共汽车和N-Judah和L-Taraval Muni线到达.


How to Be Safe On the Beach

一定要查看一下是否允许海滩火灾,以及如何安全地享受它们 here. 此外,要注意水的情况,因为太平洋的强流可能很危险. A few more characters can also fit.

Beach Safety Tips
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