胡安妮塔·莫尔! 在贝博体彩app度过一个完美的夜晚|贝博体彩app旅行-贝博体彩
胡安妮塔多! 站在厨房里
胡安妮塔多! is a tastemaker in the ”+ and nightlife scene. 图片来源:胡安妮塔多!她的Facebook主页.

胡安妮塔·莫尔! Thinks are Perfect for a Night Out

听个传说吧! 胡安妮塔多! tells us how to have a great night out in San Francisco. Learn where to party and where to grab a late-night eat.

2021年4月,胡安妮塔·莫尔! was elected Empress of the Imperial Council of San Francisco, 这是一个受人尊敬的非营利组织,由约瑟夫·萨里亚于1965年创立,负责向其他非营利组织分发慈善捐款.

Juanita first met Sarria at a Pride event in 2005. "José was like royalty and looked at you with much wisdom," she says. "He was courteous, kind, and generous in his opinion. 他很喜欢自己得到的关注,这是他应得的.”

Juanita's accolades are richly deserved as well. 2020年6月,她命名了贝博体彩app湾区酷儿夜生活基金 (QNF) the beneficiary of her popular annual Pride Party. 在新冠疫情最严重的时候,该组织在湾区推广酷儿夜生活.

她说:“很多朋友过着日常生活,付不起房租。.  “保持我们城市的夜生活工作者的活力和精神是至关重要的.许多这样的举措使胡安妮塔不仅成为贝博体彩app夜生活的女王,而且成为工人和企业家的母亲.

"San Francisco has always been my home and, 坦率地说, it’s one of the most beautiful cities in the world,她告诉GayCities. “我的第一套公寓位于诺布山顶,是一栋美丽的维多利亚式住宅, and though my room was in the basement and had no windows, 我喜欢住在贝博体彩app. I still adore riding the cable car, walking my dogs down to the waterfront, and I get joy whenever I cross the Golden Gate and Bay bridges."

“我在烹饪行业工作多年,对食物的热爱使我能够在这座城市最美味的餐馆里做饭和吃饭, 从餐车到米其林星级餐厅,以及介于两者之间的一切. 我已经踏遍了贝博体彩app方圆49平方英里的大部分同性恋夜总会. 我可以诚实地说,在这个神奇的城市里,每个人都有一个小地方."

我们跟着胡安妮塔在贝博体彩app度过了两个美妙的夜晚,她在一些古老的酒吧里畅谈, 餐厅, 摄影师弗雷德·罗到处拍下了她的照片.

Here is a sampling of Juanita's faves, narrated by Miss MORE! 自己:



最近,我有幸接受了Manny 's公司老板Manny Yekutiel的采访, a community-focused meeting and learning place in the 任务的区 有一家非营利性的餐厅,举办与政治、公民艺术相关的活动. The gathering space feels like an extension of your living room.

Manny not only asked me all the tough questions, 但他也给了我一个很好的机会和朋友们分享我生活中的故事, 家庭, 和追随者. 我谈到了我在东湾长大,十几岁时在贝博体彩app出柜, my tenure as Empress of the Imperial Council of San Francisco, 最重要的是, my role as a mother to many in this city. Manny appreciated my motherly style of tough love.


胡安妮塔多! 在Mission区的曼尼家.
Manny 's是教会区的一个以社区为中心的会议和学习场所,有一家非营利性的餐厅,举办政治活动, 市民艺术相关活动. Credit: Photo by Fred Rowe Foto.



我是贝博体彩app第三区居民,也是Grubstake的客户,已经有30年了. I have a solid connection to the neighborhood's history and legacy, as this is where I came out as queer as a teenager. The diner is a unique gathering place, home to generations of queer activists, 社区领袖, 和盟友.

I have spent many early mornings here, 在俱乐部度过一个漫长的夜晚后,一边吃一边笑,一边享受汉堡和奶昔. 我最喜欢的是金块汉堡:一种有奶酪、培根和煎蛋的汉堡. There is nothing more satisfying at 3 AM.

I invited some friends and 家庭 to join me for that burger, some of whom have been dining there with me for years. The conversation was typical of most 家庭 gatherings. We joked about our day and spoke about our future.

我的好朋友Alex U. Inn joined us, decked out in Court of More is MORE! 用具. 在过去的几年里, Alex and I have produced The People’s March, a rally and protest on Pride Sunday led by an all-Black, 棕色(的), and Indigenous committee of Trans and Queer activists, 社区领袖, 艺术家, 和演员.

胡安妮塔多! eating dinner at 衣服餐厅
Grubstake餐厅是一代又一代酷儿活动人士的聚集地, 社区领袖, 和盟友. Credit: Photo by Fred Rowe Foto.



自2002年贝博体彩appLGBT中心开业以来,我一直积极参与其中. It has been a place to connect the community with opportunities, 资源, and one another to achieve the vision of a more robust, equitable world for 同性恋群体I+ people and our allies.

J. Manuel Carmona and Simón Malvaez, 两位本地酷儿艺术家, 在六月的“骄傲月”开始时,他在大楼的一侧完成了一幅名为“Queeroes”的新壁画. The mural features depictions of local, 国家, 以及国际知名人士, 活着的和死去的, 包括查维拉·巴尔加斯, 弗雷迪汞, 弗里达•卡罗, 哈维·米尔克, 詹姆斯·鲍德温, Keith Haring, 亲爱的桃花心木, 玛莎P. Johnson, Sister Roma, Sylvia Rivera, Willi Ninja, and me!

I have always been a grand champion of 艺术家. 多年来,我委托他人以多种形式为自己画像. 在整个贝博体彩app,有八幅以我的形象为主题的精美壁画,其中五幅画的是我的法国斗牛犬, 杰克逊. 因为他,我觉得自己不过是个遛狗的.

胡安妮塔多! and friends outside of the LGBT Center
The 贝博体彩appLGBT中心 opened its doors in 2002. Credit: Photo by Fred Rowe Foto.



瞭望台酒吧连续三年被评为贝博体彩app最佳同性恋酒吧, with its wrap-around balcony that offers one of the best views in the 卡斯特罗. 瞭望台已经成为这个城市的酷儿们聚集和提高对我们社区需求的认识的地方.

每个星期天, 就在他们门外, 他们在诺埃艺术市场(Noe Art Mart)接待了一些贝博体彩app最有才华的艺术家, 当地艺术家在哪里展示他们的创造力和可购买的产品和艺术品.

在疫情最严重的时候,我很幸运地以一种名为MOREfood的快闪店的形式,从他们的厨房里拿出食物. I’ve also had the rare chance to perform a duet with Sister Roma, 举办了一场写信活动,我们给白宫寄明信片, letting #45 know how we felt about him.

This place truly is my “Cheers”; everyone here does know my name.

胡安妮塔多! 在卡斯特罗的了望酒吧
卡斯特罗的瞭望台酒吧是附近最具代表性的酒吧之一. Credit: Photo by Fred Rowe Foto.



The 强国酒吧 is unquestionably the biggest and most popular 街市南 bar, having set the style of no attitude, dirty community fun. 二十多年来,他们一直是福尔瑟姆街皮革酒吧的中坚力量. 每周, 酒吧的推动者继续通过捐赠一部分利润来支持社区一些最有影响力的组织. 例如, the monthly party BEATPIG that I host with Walter Gómez, Jr帮助筹集了20美元,000 for local charities over the past 11 years.

Powerhouse is the bar that I spend most of my time in these days. It’s one of the most diverse bars regarding age in our community. 一个绅士, decked out in leather from head to toe, started a conversation with me by revealing his age: 85! 他感谢我为他这个年纪的人办了一个让他觉得很舒服的派对. If I do nothing else in my life, I’m proud of that.

胡安妮塔多! 在SoMa的Powerhouse
20多年来,Powerhouse一直是福尔索姆街皮革酒吧的中坚力量. Credit: Photo by Fred Rowe Foto.


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