
Don't Call It Frisco
The 历史 of San Francisco Nicknames

From Frisco to San Fran, 贝博体彩app市被赋予的许多别名显示了这座伟大城市的多样性和历史.

San Francisco is a lot of things.

It’s hippies, hipsters, vagrants, flagrants, artsy, fartsy and more. You name it, and it probably lives here. 因此,圣弗兰克从来没有一个单独的绰号.

Riffs on the grand title of our city come and go. Many of them are "locals only" tags. 但是没有一个主要的城市目的地可以逃脱绰号的过程——只要看看大苹果或风城就知道了. 就像贝博体彩app的大多数事情一样,对于哪个昵称(如果有的话)是合适的,人们并没有达成共识. 与此同时,以下是我们对贝博体彩app昵称历史的一些发现.

The Great Debate: Frisco

圣. 被称为“弗里斯科”的路易斯-贝博体彩app铁路于1876年开始运营, but the nickname is as old as the American West. Herb Caen, the Pulitzer-winning San Francisco Chronicle 专栏作家,坚定地认为没有人用这样一个切分的名字来称呼他的美丽的城市. Instead, "Caress each Spanish syllable, salute our 意大利 saint. Don't say Frisco and don't say San-Fran-Cis-Co," he advised. "That's the way Easterners, like Larry King pronounce it. It's more like SanfrnSISco.然而,从奥蒂斯·雷丁(Otis Redding)(“前往贝博体彩app湾”)到平克·弗洛伊德(Pink Floyd)(非官方乐队)的文化力量 Darkness Over Frisco live album) kept the name associated with San Francisco.

贝博体彩app”是这样的:绰号应该体现一些整体特征, not just act as a lazy surgery of the city’s name. 我们不把纽约叫做"诺克"是有原因的. It’s the "The City That Never Sleeps" for poetic reasons. Just because "Frisco" sounds like a place (and it is, in Texas and Colorado), doesn't make it a good nickname. No one would get on the I-5 and head south for "Agles."

(专业提示:如果一个外地的朋友叫它贝博体彩app,那就不要做临时演说. 贝博体彩app人对这个绰号的保守是出了名的. Don't play into the stereotype. They'll eventually notice you never call it that anyway.)

The Uncool One: San Fran

This suffers from the same lame laziness as Frisco, but with an added layer of sounding like someone trying to be hip. “贝博体彩app”似乎是一个可以而且应该在谈话中起作用的名字, 但它与当地方言太不搭调了,总是会敲响警钟.

The Explain-y One: Baghdad by the Bay

Such a name may trigger worries of negative geopolitical undertones, 但这实际上是一本关于贝博体彩app的卡昂文集的标题(也是他一直使用的昵称). 提到伊拉克古都——也在巴比伦附近——是为了表明几十年前你在贝博体彩app发现的各种各样的人物和文化. 然而,21世纪将我们与巴格达的关系置于一个艰难的境地. 任何第一次听到这句话的人都需要一个微妙的解释. That's not the sign of a great nickname. 对不起,草.

The Easy One: SF

“Es-ef”很好,因为严格来说它不是昵称,而是首字母缩略词. People travel to LA and DC without getting raised eyebrows. 当地人一直用顺丰,尤其是飞出“es- efoh”的时候。. It's just not particularly endearing or interesting.

The Maybe a Century Ago: The Paris of the West

在20世纪初,这是一个常见的绰号,用来哄骗游客,引诱东部人搬到铁路另一边的我们这座光荣的城市. 但是,没有哪个自豪的城市目的地喜欢被认为是一个更知名的城市的“另类”, so it's fallen out of use.

The Humble Brag One: The Golden City

Echoes of the gold rush make for a great nickname, 但是这些天, when the Golden City is used by locals, it feels pretty self-indulgent.

是的, there was gold in them hills, and yes we still have golden sunsets, and the rolling hills shimmer gold most of the year. 但贝博体彩app有一点过于骄傲的名声, and the Golden City doesn't do much to alter that. 现代科技的淘金热及其产生的有争议的影响尤其如此. “黄金之城”确实是除了贝博体彩app人以外所有人都应该使用的昵称.

The Locals-Only One: The City

The City is a local’s nickname not because of any exclusivity, 而是因为如果你在另一个城市的合理距离内, people will have no idea what you're talking about. The capital letters don't translate in conversation. But when used appropriately, the nickname creates a nice recall of the days of Old West yore, 当时贝博体彩app是唯一一个在可想象的旅行范围内的大都市区. 如果你对萨利纳斯山谷的某个人说“我要去城里了”,他们会明白你的意思. 奥克兰和圣何塞在今天的巨人眼中仍然闪烁着光芒. Everything between here and LA was wild ranching and farmlands. "The City" didn't need capital letters.

The Intimate One: Fog City

To outsiders, fog is San Francisco’s gentle lover. The white duvet creeps through the hills each morning, wrapping us in a great amalgam of cloud and steel. 然而对当地人来说, the fog can be a freezing pain in the ass, ruining bocce ball games and dates on the beach. 卡尔取代了温暖的加州阳光,取而代之的是一股可怕的风,感觉就像幽灵在吸走你的灵魂. 我们确实爱他,但纽约人可能以苦乐参半的方式喜欢他们从不睡觉的事实. He's woven into the city's fabric—or, really, he is the city's fabric—which makes for a pretty good nickname.

The Best One (So Far): City by the Bay

保持简单. 你可以无数次驾车驶过这些桥,但你仍然会沉醉在贝博体彩app依水而建的雄伟景色中, 岛屿, 帆船, and sunshine of the bay. Let's call a spade a spade.

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