Don't Miss 的se 贝博体彩app的免费活动 | 贝博体彩app Travel-贝博体彩
的 Golden Gate is the most iconic attraction in 贝博体彩app 和 it happens to be free.


Some of the city's most iconic sights 和 experiences can be had without opening your wallet. 以下是我们最喜欢的一些.

世界级的文化, natural beauty 和 that California disposition—what's not to love about 贝博体彩app? T在这里's plenty of things to do 在这里, even if you're on a shoestring budget. Here are some of our favorite free 景点, including the city's most iconic experiences.


Recognized worldwide as being synonymous with 贝博体彩app,se icons are completely free to visit 和 should be at the top of any visitor's itinerary.


You haven't been to 贝博体彩app until you're strolled across this massive l和mark. Luckily for you, city's biggest icon is always free for pedestrians. 可以欣赏到城市的壮丽景色,还有 阿尔卡特拉斯岛 和 天使岛, 金门大桥 应该是你的首选.


而历史上 缆车 of 贝博体彩app are not running at this time, it's free to visit the 缆车博物馆 在梅森街和华盛顿街的拐角处. 你不仅可以了解缆车的历史, 但你也可以看到整个系统是如何运行的. This facility isn't just a museum; it's a crucial 和 operational part of the city's transit system.


探索贝博体彩app著名的 唐人街 步行最好吗. This historic neighborhood is always busy 和 is full of hidden gems that welcome the curious traveler. If you've still got some pep in your step after ducking into many shops 和 餐厅继续… 北海滩 to experience 贝博体彩app's 意大利-American heritage.


的 卡斯特罗 is an important historic place for the gay rights movement. Visit important sites like Pink Triangle Park 和 Rainbow Honor Walk to see plaques honoring significant GLBT activists. 每个月的第一个星期三都是免费的 男同性恋,女同性恋,双性恋 & 跨性别历史博物馆 (18街4127号.). One of the first museums in the world dedicated to the subject, institution offers a look into the past century of local events that have shaped this global community, 尤其是这个社区.


不管你的兴趣是什么, 城市指南 有导游吗. All of their programs are led by local volunteers 和y're all free! 尽管贝博体彩app地势多山, 这是一个非常适合步行的城市, which makes 城市指南 a terrific option for getting your bearings, 学一点, 并发现一些当地的美食.


For something a little more high-adrenaline, visit the City by the Bay during its annual 舰队周 10月. 的 Blue Angels fly high-octane routines above 贝博体彩app throughout the weekend. 你几乎可以在这个城市的任何地方看到它们, but head to the waterfront for a truly staggering view of the action.


而一些 景点 contained within may charge, exploring 码头39 itself is completely free. T在这里 are performers, movie screenings, 和 of course the lovable 海狮.


This beautiful brick complex at the water's edge was once w在这里 famous Ghirardelli chocolate was made. While production has since moved to the 东湾,re are still plenty of sweet treats to enjoy at 吉尔德利广场这里有许多商店和餐馆. Just enjoying the view 和 outst和ing seasonal decorations won't set you back, 虽然.


你知道那个穹顶吗 贝博体彩app市政厅 比美国楼顶的还要大.S. 国会大厦? See it from inside on a free tour, offered Fridays at 11 a.m. 和1p.m. 带一大群人来? 您需要预订. 市政厅是一个很受欢迎的结婚地点. 不管是否在旅行中,你都会看到爱在行动!


While our icons are jaw-dropping, outdoor spaces in 贝博体彩app are equally as rivaled. 大自然就在你的家门口, but you'll also get an amazing view at any of the places mentioned below. 准备好被吹走


城市徒步旅行? 是的,请! 一个占地1500英亩的国家公园, 的要塞 一颗真正的宝石在城市范围内吗. 这个曾经的军事基地提供远足路线, 历史建筑, 还有多处野餐地点,景色壮丽. 最新的一款 普雷西迪奥隧道顶部这本书一开就成了经典之作! 要塞有多个入口,还有一个 免费穿梭 带你去那里. 


L和s End is just what it sounds like: the westernmost public park in 贝博体彩app, 悬崖坠入漩涡中的太平洋. 你会发现美丽的树木, 壮观的景色, 和 a stone labyrinth as you travel along the paths (和 please, 沿着小路走!). If you want to feel like Indiana Jones, be sure to visit the site of the Sutro Baths. Once a tremendous indoor swimming facility built in the 1890s by entrepreneur 和 former mayor Adolph Sutro, all that remains today are the foundations of what was once the city's premier attraction.


Home to one of 贝博体彩app's most noteworthy views, 阿拉莫广场公园 is w在这里 you'll find the 涂女士这是一排古典美丽的维多利亚式住宅. 晴天时, city skyline in the distance creates a backdrop that stuns visitors 和 locals alike. Don't forget to pack a blanket; 阿拉莫广场公园 is an excellent spot for a 野餐.


It's far from being 贝博体彩app's largest green space, but 德洛丽丝公园 in the 任务 肯定是最受当地人欢迎的吗. 市中心的天际线一览无余, 新设施, 还有休闲区, 还有不受遮挡的阳光, Dolores is w在这里 San Franciscans go instead of the beach. If you want to simultaneously commune with nature 和 with your fellow man, 多洛雷斯公园是个好去处.


在城市的地理中心, you'll find one of the highest natural points at which to observe 贝博体彩app. 通往山顶的路 双峰 can be steep 和 winding, but the view is a terrific reward. Just be sure to bring an extra layer; the wind at the summit can be fairly strong.


虽然可能没有双峰那么有名, 戴维森山, 事实上, 更高(但只是一点点). 戴维森山的好处, 虽然, is that it tends to be the less visited of the two sites, meaning that your time in the parkl和 on Davidson's slopes will feel much more like an escape from the urban jungle below.


独立于 令人难以置信的吸引力, 金门公园 is still a world-class, urban green space. 宽阔的草坪, 隐藏的树林, 和 rolling hills make it an easy 和 memorable place to explore. 公园的入口是免费的, 和 it's also no charge to see the park's towering windmills, 居住野牛群, 或者流动的瀑布(是的, 瀑布).


Located underneath the southern end of the 金门大桥, 点堡 is one of the oldest American military bases on the west coast. 现在退役, 点堡 is a free museum that not only educates you about 贝博体彩app's military history but also offers some awe-inspiring perspectives of the enormous bridge above.


出去的时候想看看艺术品? Take in 雾桥 #72494, an installation created for the 探索 藤子·中屋. 雾桥 stretches 150 feet between Piers 15 和 17 和 is shrouded in the mist created by water that is pumped through many nozzles at a very high level of pressure. 行人可以在雾中穿行,凉快一下, 和y can get a taste of the cool 和 quirky exhibits that the 探索 offers. 雾桥 is now powered by desalinated water from the bay, 这意味着它对环境的影响最小.


坐如王冠 Salesforce传输中心, Salesforce公园 is a green oasis in the heart of the bustling South of Market neighborhood. 客人可以享受这5.4英亩的城市公园,有绿色的斑点,可以放松身心, 儿童游乐场, 还有一条四层楼高的慢跑跑道. 整个结构, 你会发现公共艺术品, from beautiful tiled floors to illuminated modern art 和 a sensor-activated fountain. 


艺术 & culture scene in 贝博体彩app is so varied that t在这里 is something for everyone. 博物馆? 我们肯定有. 壁画? 在每个角落. 事件? 差不多每周都有一次.


Most of the museums in 贝博体彩app open their doors for free to visitors at least once a month. 的 free days are usually the first Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday of each month. While these days can get crowded,y're still a great deal. 参与展览的博物馆包括 亚洲艺术博物馆加州科学院德扬博物馆 和 荣誉军团,以及更多. For more about 贝博体彩app's must-see museums, click 在这里.


Public art is everyw在这里 in 贝博体彩app, but now在这里 is it more abundant than in the 任务. 各种风格的彩色壁画, 多年来由许多不同的艺术家创作, 每个人都有自己独特的观点, 在附近到处都能找到吗. 的 most popular ones can be observed in Clarion 和 Balmy Alleys, w在这里 the art flows uninterrupted from one building to another.



This permanent artistic installation at the water's edge in 贝博体彩app's 玛丽娜 利用变化的潮汐来创作音乐. When the waters of the bay lap against the Wave Organ's PVC piping, it produces sound. It's a wholly natural aquatic symphony that's guaranteed never to sound the same—和 it's free to enjoy.


任何文学爱好者都应该去看看 城市的灯光, legendary bookstore in 北海滩 (261 Columbus Ave.). This historic shop was once a popular hangout for legendary writers of the Beat movement like Allen Ginsberg 和 Jack Kerouac. 今天, you can go to 城市的灯光 to hear regular readings by famous authors 和 up-和-coming writers, 诗人, 表演艺术家, 和更多的.


的 only remaining structure from 1915's legendary Panama-Pacific International Exposition, 美术宫 is an open-air, classical structure partially surrounded by a man-made lake. In short, it's one of the most beautiful 和 peaceful spots in the entire city. T在这里's no charge to explore the grounds or watch the guaranteed parade of wedding parties pass through as they line up for that perfect picture.


From mid-June to mid-August, you can attend a series of free 西格蒙德·斯特恩格罗夫的周日音乐会. 这个系列的演出很受欢迎 日落 features a wide range of genres, from classical music to rock.


你喜欢跳舞吗? 然后前往 金门公园 在公园里的林迪. You can take a free half-hour swing dance lesson starting at 12:00 p.m. 你不需要伙伴,只需要有学习的意愿!


这是贝博体彩app的原创作品 严格意义上的蓝草音乐节 features live performances of everything from country to punk rock (hence the title). Past performers have included everyone from local unknowns to megastars like R和y Newman, 廉价把戏, 还有艾米卢·哈里斯. 的 entire weekend of music is free 和 fills 金门公园 with the kind of vibe that hasn't been felt since the Summer of Love.


头山 格雷斯大教堂, 带有迷宫的哥特式建筑, 花园, 和 a regular schedule of excellent free musical performances. T在这里's no charge to enter, even if all you want to do is marvel at its incredible architecture.


Rising high above the trees on the north side of 金门公园 is the 德扬的哈蒙瞭望塔. It's free for all, whether or not you've visited the museum (but you really should; it's great). 它本身就是一件艺术品, Tower was a bit controversial when it was built; but once naysayers stepped inside 和 took in the 360-degree views of the city from the top, 他们很快改变了态度.

While this is a list of free things to do in 贝博体彩app,re's plenty other ways to visit 贝博体彩app without breaking the bank.

