Forget the San Francisco Icons: The Most Beautiful Spots in the City | San Francisco Travel-贝博体彩
Campground at 天使岛 State Park, overlooking the San Francisco Bay and 金门大桥
在天使岛州立公园露营 信贷:@technologyhiker

The Most Beautiful Spots in the City

The next time you're 在贝博体彩app, you’ll want to check out all of these beautiful spots, 不仅仅是图标.

Herb Caen once said, “There are a thousand viewpoints in this viewtiful city.” With 50 hills (according to Wikipedia), 无数的摩天大楼, 沙滩, 郁郁葱葱的花园和远足小径, most jaw-dropping views are accessible to everybody. It’s hard to get away 从 the icons, but some spots are lesser-known right near them. The next time you're 在贝博体彩app, you’ll want to check out all of these beautiful spots, 不仅仅是图标.


创造了 西部的埃利斯岛, 天使岛 processed more than 1 million immigrants during its time as an immigration station. Since then, it has been turned into a state park where you can camp overnight. It’s perfect for that early morning sunrise, where you’ll be able to see expansive 360° views of the San Francisco skyline, the Marin Headlands and Mount Tamalpais.


It’s true we might not have beach weather year-round 在贝博体彩app like beaches in Southern California do, but we have something they don’t have, 风景 金门大桥 从 贝克海滩. Walk along the beach towards the 金门大桥. Once you hike over to the rocks, you’ll get an Instagram shot that will make your friends jealous.


与 任务的区, 伯纳尔高地公园 is also popular with the Instagram crowd. On clear days you can see all the way to the 金门大桥 on one side and 海景区的-Hunters点 (where Candlestick Park used to be) on the other.


栖息在山顶上 Noe Valley, you’ll find an incredible view and a tree swing. 没有比这里更好的地方了 表现得像个孩子 在贝博体彩app.

贝博体彩app植物园 in 金门公园

This is the first of many spots to visit within 金门公园. With its unique micro-climates, the 贝博体彩app植物园 is able to recreate conditions of the high elevation tropical cloud forests of Central and South America and Southeast Asia. Rare high elevation palms as well as plants 从 New Zealand and temperate Asia also thrive here. Largely due to these natural advantages, the 贝博体彩app植物园 is known for its unique, diverse and significant botanical collections.


Situated on the 音乐 Concourse of 金门公园 and opposite another beautiful spot is the 加州科学院. 探索水族馆, planetarium and natural history museum — all under one living roof in 金门公园. A four-story living rainforest and awe-inspiring coral reef ecosystem make for many photogenic moments, while immersive planetarium shows will transport you through space and time for a new perspective. The best part is the living roof at the top, which you can visit with your admission to the museum.



The most colorful spot on this list, 号角巷, is an alley filled with colorful gravity pieces 从 a community of artists. It was originally created by six local artists (two of which were living in the alley at the time) in 1992. On any given weekend, you're likely to see new pieces going up or current canvases being maintained. This is where creativity 在贝博体彩app continues to flourish. When walking down the alley, please respect the artists and their masterpieces.


People always talk about the fog rolling in at the end of the day. 虽然这是真的, the perfect place to see the fog cascade like a waterfall over the city is 科罗娜高地公园. You’ll get an up-close look at Karl, so remember to layer up.


Across 从 the 加州科学院 sits the copper-clad landmark de Young Museum building, 由赫尔佐格设计 & 德梅隆. 于2005年10月重新开放, 德·杨 showcases the institution’s significant collections of American painting, sculpture and decorative arts 从 the 17th to the 21st centuries; art 从 Africa, 大洋洲, and the Americas; costume and textile arts; and international contemporary art. Be sure to access the Hamon Education Tower Observation Level, free to the public.



Once a harbor defense installation for the military, this beach is now home to our best furry friends. On any given day (especially the weekends), you see thousands of canines running along the sand. Funston堡 is also a popular spot for hang gliders due to the high sea cliffs.


Before the 金门大桥 was a twinkle in the eye, 点堡 stood at the mouth of the Golden Gate Strait in its defense. Built before the Civil War, this fortification stands at the bridge's southern end. 这些天, 点堡 is recognized as a national historic site and maintained by the Golden Gate Recreational Area.


从这个 日落区 Park, you have gorgeous views 从 downtown San Francisco and 金门公园 all the way to Pt. 雷耶斯和附近的默塞德湖. There is a small trail network, consisting of 0.2 miles ascending to the top of the park hill, but the view at the top makes it totally worth it.


We’re happy to see this one on the list. 徒步旅行 苏特罗浴遗址, you’ll find a trail that leads you to a spectacular view and the labyrinth, created by Eduardo Aguilera in 2004 and maintained by a community of volunteers. Recently, this treasure was vandalized, but a new group of volunteers rebuilt it 从 scratch. A story of resilience and redemption always puts a smile on our face.


林肯公园瓷砖台阶, which sit at the edge of Lincoln Park on the western end of California Street, is one of the newest editions to this list (they were dedicated in May, 2015). Designed by local artist, Aileen Barr, the spot is more about the view of the steps than at the top.


树覆盖着,这个 要塞 trail is the perfect place to hold hands with your sweetheart and walk down the Wood Line by Andy Goldsworthy. Once you soak in the beauty, head to his other art structure, the Spire.


The 里昂街台阶 are a beloved 玛丽娜 对住在附近的许多人来说. Early in the morning, you’ll see people running up the 332 stairs to the top. 到半山腰的时候, you can stop to gaze at the house 从 the movie, 《贝博体彩》, and then continue your ascent to the top where you’ll turn around and look out on San Francisco Bay.


Any inkling of heat emanating 从 our 49 square miles, you can bet that this park is packed. This is your go-to-spot for spectacular people watching, robot dance parties, 野餐 and a spectacular view at the southwest corner of the park.


贝博体彩app最高的山峰, 戴维森山 also has the biggest cross in the city at 103 feet tall. From time to time, services are held up here, most notably for Easter Sunday.


As the last standing structure 从 the 1915 Panama Pacific Exposition, we couldn’t keep the 美术宫 off this list. The detailed design 从 the reflecting lagoon to the weeping women at the top accents the Roman and Greek architecture beautifully. Also, Sean Connery and Nicolas Cage shared a bench here during the film, The Rock. 这就有足够的理由看到它了.


Out of fire and disaster comes beauty. Once the home of the wealthy elite as a getaway 从 the hustle and bustle of the city, the 苏特罗澡堂 fell into disrepair and caught on fire. Since then only the ruins have survived, which have provided the perfect backdrop for chasing sunsets.


An artificial island built for the 1939 Golden Gate International Exposition, 金银岛 boasts some of the most  spectacular views of the Bay Bridge and the skyline. Come sunrise or sunset, you’ll see tripods dotting the island’s edge.


You’ve probably seen the skyline image with a windy road leading up to the top a thousand times. 无论如何,从的观点 双峰 每一次都值得吗.


Dan is the Vice President, Global Marketing, at San Francisco Travel. San Francisco has been his home for over a decade (that makes him a local, right?). 在周末, you can find him with a cup of craft coffee in hand, 一个有良好共鸣的播放列表, 越来越多的书要读, or out at the city's hottest new restaurant or bar.

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