Looking out at the 金门大桥 from 点堡 at sunset.

Great Spots to View the 金门大桥

From locations around the city to even your hotel room, 贝博体彩app有很多令人惊叹的金门大桥观景点.

Originally completed on May 27, 1937, the 金门大桥, 以从太平洋通往贝博体彩app湾的海峡命名, is one of the city's most popular and photographed landmarks. 跨越6,450英尺, 金门大桥被认为是“现代世界七大奇迹”之一.”

Viewing spots noted below are all free and open to the public. Or, 如果你想在旅途中欣赏这个“国际橙色”的美丽, 我们还列出了几家拥有壮观景色的酒店.

Great Places to See the 金门大桥

Crissy Field

Crissy Field, 位于普雷西迪奥金门大桥以南的一个前军用机场, was restored in 2001 and offers wide, 在Marina Green和点堡之间有完全无障碍的步行和自行车道. Offering stunning views of the bridge, 克里西菲尔德提供野餐区和小海滨受家庭欢迎. 沿着克里斯菲尔德, visitors can stop for lunch at the Warming Hut near 点堡, the Beach Hut Cafe near Marina Green, or check out the House of Air, a trampoline center in one of the repurposed buildings. 

Distance from 金门大桥: 2.4英里.

Couple with a dog running on Crissy Field
Crissy Field is a popular spot for locals to get exercise.


最近公布的 普雷西迪奥隧道顶部 outdoor park offers a phenomenal view of the 金门大桥. 带着你的狗、孩子和你爱的人去享受公园、开阔的空间和令人叹为观止的景色. You’ll be sure to leave inspired. 

Distance from 金门大桥: 1.6英里.



For an up-close view of the bridge, 参观波因特堡, 这是一座南北战争时期的砖砌堡垒,可通过克里西菲尔德的海洋大道到达. Although 点堡 never saw any military action, the 金门大桥's chief engineer, 约瑟夫·施特劳斯, 重新设计了桥梁,以保护堡垒作为“泥瓦匠艺术的典范”." 

Distance from 金门大桥: 1.2英里.

Looking out at the 金门大桥 from 点堡 at sunset.


沿着普雷西迪奥西部海岸线,在崎岖的悬崖下绵延半英里, 贝克海滩 offers spectacular views of the 金门大桥. Accessible by public transportation, the beach offers a picnic area with tables and grills, lots of parking and restroom facilities. 注意:贝克海滩的最北端经常有不穿衣服的日光浴者. 

Distance from 金门大桥: 1.2英里.


Located in the Seacliff neighborhood, 中国海滩很小, sheltered pocket of sand with a picnic area, 日光浴甲板, 卫生间, cold showers and unobstructed views of the 金门大桥. Note: the beach is only accessible by a steep, paved drive or natural stairway of approximately 100 steps. 

Distance from 金门大桥: 2.0英里.


在林肯公园附近的兰兹角的鹰角小径上,金门大桥的景色令人瞠目结舌. 附近的热门远足径,这也是一个很短的步行距离 荣誉军团, 游客可以沿着林肯公园市政高尔夫球场第17洞附近的人行道行走. 在这里, 有几个长凳和拍照的机会来反映和捕捉桥的美丽. 

Distance from 金门大桥: 3.0英里.

贝克海滩, one of San 弗朗西斯co's top beaches.

Glimpses of the 金门大桥

对于稍微受阻的, but nonetheless dramatic views of the 金门大桥, visitors can enjoy views from several, 意想不到的有利位置.


Located in the east end of 金门公园, the Hamon Education Tower Observation Deck at the 德扬博物馆 offers dramatic views of the 金门大桥, 以及壮观的城市全景和太平洋. Touring the museum requires admission, but visiting the observation deck, 每天营业至下午4:30, is free and open to the public. 

Distance from 金门大桥: 2.9英里.

Library at the University California, San 弗朗西斯co

Located at 530 Parnassus Avenue in the 内心的日落, the library at the University of California San 弗朗西斯co, 从主阅览室可以看到金门大桥的壮丽景色. 

Distance from 金门大桥: 4.1英里.



屁股塔, 从电报山顶升起的细长的白色混凝土柱, provides 360-degree views of the city and bay, including the 金门大桥. 的 most-spectacular views can be seen from the observation deck, which is reached by elevator and requires tickets. 

Distance from 金门大桥: 4.9英里.


由于贝博体彩app和金门大桥都隐藏在美国北部.S. Route 101 by the Marin Headlands, drivers going through the Waldo Tunnel, the unofficial name of the tunnel on U.S. Route 101 between the 金门大桥 and 索萨利托,从隧道南行的洞口出来,可以第一眼看到这座城市和大桥. 这可能是金门大桥最引人注目的景色之一. 

Distance from 金门大桥: 3.1英里.

San 弗朗西斯co's 屁股塔 at dusk, 前面是灯火通明的街道,后面是贝博体彩app湾.

Rooms with a (Bridge) View




的 普雷西迪奥的旅馆 offers several rooms with bridge views. Located in historic Pershing Hall, previously the post’s bachelor officers' quarters, 这家旅馆提供22间客房, 17 of which are one-bedroom suites. 的 newly opened sister property, 住在要塞旅馆, is the closest lodging to the bridge, 提供42间客房, many of which have views toward the bridge in this boutique hotel.

威斯汀街. 弗朗西斯


的历史 圣弗朗西斯威斯汀酒店 酒店提供的客房可以从塔楼上欣赏到金门大桥的美景. Request guest rooms starting on floor 26, or book one of its two suites: the Pacific and the Bridge View.

的 InterContinental Mark Hopkins


的 Intercontinental Mark Hopkins, 栖息在诺布山上, offers several guest rooms with partial views of the bridge, as well as its California suite. Visitors can also drop by Top of the Mark, the hotel's popular roof-top bar, 从房间的西北角可以看到这座桥的优美景色.

Across the street from the Mark Hopkins, the 贝博体彩app费尔蒙酒店 also offers multiple views from its Tower Building.



阿尔戈诺酒店, 步行到渔人码头的所有商店和餐馆都很方便, 酒店的几间客房可欣赏到金门大桥的海滨景色.


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