贝博体彩app的18个轻艺术目的地将照亮你的Instagram |贝博体彩app旅行-贝博体彩
埃尔文·雷德尔的《贝博体彩app》,2021年,中央地铁:联合广场市场站 Credit: Ethan Kaplan Photography. Courtesy of the San Francisco 艺术 Commission

in San Francisco That Will Brighten Your Instagram

多亏了我们丰富的公共交通,贝博体彩app的夜晚更加明亮, 户外, 大部分是免费的灯光艺术.

夜间是捕捉和分享贝博体彩app非凡的灯光艺术的最佳时机. 探索许多上镜的公共灯光艺术装置,作为展览的一部分 照亮科幻's Festival of Light,踏上一段迷人的旅程,游览这座城市最有趣的街区.

体验这些戏剧性的, 环保灯光艺术品, accessible by public transit and mostly admission free. From 北海滩 and the 内河码头 to SoMa and 金门公园—and even when flying in or out of SFO—you’ll find dazzling light artworks waiting to be enjoyed. Charge your cell phone and camera batteries; you will want photos! Then, be brilliant and share them using #illuminatesf.

SoMa /耶尔巴布埃纳岛



设计师们 !melkNYC在5M的两座全新高层建筑之间创造了两个壮观的垂直结构, 纳托玛和乔治号. Each part was cut by fully automatic CNC plasma cutters and shaped using a cold-forming technique more commonly used to build ships. 到了晚上,这些建筑从外面被巧妙地照亮. Though made from steel, they seem to float in the night sky!

Helical Trace at the LUMA Hotel


LUMA Hotel has given the gift of light art to passersby on the corner of Third and Channel streets with Helical Trace. Local art hero Jim Campbell has created another beautiful, 特定场地, 酒店大堂的动态照明装置可以通过三层楼高的落地窗看到. The prolific artist created this striking installation that looks different from every angle and uses the reflection of the windows to amplify its movement. The figures within climb an infinite stretch of waterfall.



This large-scale animated text-based neon artwork is the first permanent public artwork in the United States by artist Hank Willis Thomas. 虽然托马斯在纽约工作,但他与贝博体彩app及其艺术和文化氛围有着深厚的联系. 这个灯光艺术装置是为了纪念这位艺术家的表弟,他在2000年被谋杀. 这个闪烁的白色霓虹灯装置分享了他表弟给托马斯的最后一条录音信息. 每个单词都有一行,鼓励不同的解读:是“爱超越规则”还是“爱超越规则”?”

Yud; PaRDes; Lamp of the Covenant

Contemporary Jewish Museum, 736 Mission St.

When the Contemporary Jewish Museum was unveiled in 2005, 尤德是建筑师丹尼尔·里伯斯金最有趣的设计之一. (Inspired by the phrase “L’Chaim,意思是“生命”," Libeskind let the Hebrew letters that spell “Chai,”“切特," and “Yud" guide the form of the CJM building.)天黑后, stand in the museum's entrance plaza to take in the dramatic warm light emanating from the Yud's 36 diamond-shaped windows. 在博物馆开放时间内凭门票参观博物馆内部. 永久.

PaRDeS是由里伯斯金设计的灯光装置,镶嵌在CJM大厅的墙上. Its stylized Hebrew letters translate as “orchard.“内涵是,果园可以在墙的另一边找到. The lobby is open to all during museum hours of operation. 永久.

戴夫·莱恩(Dave Lane)的《贝博体彩app》(Lamp of the Covenant)是CJM委托创作的第一件重要艺术品. 在博物馆高耸的大厅里,它高高悬挂在游客的头顶上, which is open to all during museum hours of operation, the lamp is envisioned as a sign of wonder and the spiritual that is always just over our heads as we pursue our everyday lives. 永久.

“纪念碑”为V. 塔特林; untitled (in honor of Leo at the 30th anniversary of his gallery)

San Francisco Museum of Modern Art (SFMOMA), 151 Third St.

访问 SFMOMA的 Floor 5 to view the exhibition "Pop, 最小的, and Figurative Art: The Fisher Collection," including four major light art works currently on view.

“纪念碑”为V. 塔特林, 丹·弗莱文, is a stepped arrangement of cool white fluorescent light, 这是他在1964年至1990年间为弗拉基米尔·塔特林建造的39座“纪念碑”之一. The Russian artist's ambitious but unrealized project to unite art and technology was of particular interest to Flavin.

Untitled (in honor of Leo at the 30th anniversary of his gallery), 丹·弗莱文, 证实了他在转换空间和用最少的材料创造丰富环境方面的精通. The grids of colored tubes fill the space with light that changes depending on where you are in relation to the fixtures. This is a magnificent piece that highlights an elegant, 发人深省的作品, reminding viewers how far modest means can be taken.


Yerba Buena Center for the 艺术, 701 Mission Street

Taravat Talepasand的《贝博体彩app》作为永久装置重新出现在YBCA的大厅. 悬挂在天花板上, this intricate neon artwork featuring the word "peace" in Farsi explores the cultural taboos that reflect on gender and political authority through Talepasand's lens as an Iranian-American woman.





同样出自利奥·比利亚雷亚尔(Leo Villareal)之手的《贝博体彩》(巴基球)是一座25英尺高的发光雕塑,让整个城市充满活力 探索的 public space on 码头15 in both daylight and moonlight. Inspired by futurist and inventor Buckminster Fuller's geodesic dome, 球形足球形状的特点是两个嵌套的测地线球体,由4个组成,500 LED nodes arranged in a series of pentagons and hexagons.



Crowning the top of the tallest building west of the Mississippi, 多产的灯光艺术家吉姆·坎贝尔(Jim Campbell)的《贝博体彩》(白天换黑夜)是一部现代奇迹. 11人大会,000盏灯和视频组件允许“白天到夜晚”展示在贝博体彩app周围拍摄的场景. And unless it's a truly foggy night (of which we have a few), 你几乎可以在城市里的任何地方看到“白天和黑夜”,甚至可以在城市以外的地方看到.





The artwork by Erwin Redl for the 联合广场/市场 Street Station titled 天空中的露西 is an illuminated installation comprised of hundreds of translucent 10 x 10-inch light panels, each containing an array of color LEDs. The light panels are suspended along the entire length of the concourse level corridor’s ceiling in a diamond-shaped pattern and are computer programmed to slowly change color and display simple patterns and animations.





“Skygarden,詹姆斯·特雷尔(James Turrell)著, 发出明亮的光, singular beacon from myriad vantage points within a three-story opening in the south facade of the San Francisco Federal Building. 在晚上, stand across from the building on the south side of Mission Street at Ninth Street long enough to see the colors transform. 进入“空中花园”下方的庭院,可以更近距离地瞥见它的光带.

"...and my room still rocks like a boat on the sea" (Caruso’s Dream)


"... and my room still rocks like a boat on the sea" (Caruso’s Dream), by Brian Goggin and Dorka Keehn, 它摇摇晃晃地悬挂在AVA 55第九公寓的人行道上,不可能错过. You can see and hear this installation of 13 glass-and-steel pianos inspired by the moment when opera star Enrico Caruso was awakened by the earthquake of 1906. By tuning into short-range broadcast 90.下午4点开始调频9点.m. 直到10点。.m., listeners within a block of the artwork may be serenaded by the Caruso recording that inspired the light visualization dancing through the pianos.





"W.F.T.,由Joseph Kosuth设计,覆盖了历史悠久的Bill Graham市政礼堂的西立面. Kosuth's installation presents the etymology, 或“单词家谱”, "civic"和"auditorium"的组合, while reflecting on the significance of the Auditorium and the relationships those words have to cultural and social realities.



“星座,内兰·布莱克(Nayland Blake), is inspired by the Beaux 艺术 tradition, 起源于巴黎的圣热纳维夫图书馆(贝博体彩app前中央图书馆的典范), 作者的名字根据他们作品的位置刻在立面上. This impressive artwork is 54-feet high and can be viewed from inside the Main Library’s lobby on the lengthy vertical panel right behind the stairs.



Hope Will Never Be Silent; The Seed

市场 & 卡斯特罗的街道

At the bustling center of the historic 卡斯特罗 neighborhood, 你会发现这两件纪念”+群体争取平等权利的作品. "Hope Will Never Be Silent" immortalizes the words of Harvey Milk, the first openly gay elected official in the history of California. "The Seed" is a collection of large LED dandelions that symbolize how a single wish blown away can inspire a movement.




The Barbro Osher Sculpture Garden at the 德扬博物馆

“三个宝石,詹姆斯·特雷尔(James Turrell)著, is a sublime subterranean installation commissioned as a permanent fixture in the Babro Osher Sculpture Garden of the 德扬博物馆. 参观这个照明的地下空间,通过它的屋顶眼孔,游客可以看到夜空. The garden is free to enter during museum hours, and “三个宝石" is featured as part of the Museum’s free docent tour (check with the Museum’s 访问or Information desk for details) with ticketed admission to the museum.





《贝博体彩app》," by Brian Goggin and Dorka Keehn, is a 特定场地 installation in which a flock of 23 illuminated solar-powered “books" mimic birds in motion. Pages and bindings appear as wings and LED lights create patterns. Passing under the “flock" on the north side of Broadway, 行人看到嵌入在广场地板上的各种语言的文字, which represent San Francisco’s American, 意大利 and Chinese communities that intersect in this neighborhood.


San Francisco International Airport (SFO)

Wind Portal; Four Sculptural Light Reflectors; Light Beams for the Sky of a Transfer Corridor; Spirogyrate; Sky; Ceiling Flood


约翰娜·格劳蒙(Johanna Grawunder)的《贝博体彩app》(Coding)是一件用光、玻璃和钢铁的沉浸式装置作品. 它将SFO长期停放的车库电梯塔转变为一个动态的焦点, capitalizing on the structure's inherent architecture. 发光的天花板和底盘成为动力元素,在电梯乘坐过程中放大.

“风门户,内德·卡恩, 由200人组成,000 stainless steel one-inch disks mounted on a lattice panel attached to the wall of the 55-foot circular staircase/escalator opening between the BART and AirTrain stations. The wind and the movement of the trains cause the disks to shimmer and to create a mesmerizing image of the wind. Pre-Security.

"Four Sculptural Light Reflectors,——詹姆斯·卡朋特, is inspired by the construction of the Wright brothers’ first airplane, and also recalls dirigibles or boats. The 180 x 30-foot sculpture's design is functional in that it diffuses direct sunlight from the skylights in the International Main Hall. Look up when walking through the Departures/Ticketing level. Pre-Security

"Light Beams for the Sky of a Transfer Corridor,作者:Vito Acconci, 从上面天花板上的嵌入式照明灯具中射出雕塑般的光束, 穿过二楼的走廊,连接国际航站楼和三号航站楼. Pre-Security.

“Spirogyrate,埃里克·斯塔勒(Eric Staller)著, is an immersive and interactive installation composed of graphic spiral patterns and light that change and respond to people’s movement through the space. Accessible to ticketed passengers in Terminal 3, Boarding Area E only. Post-Security.

"Sky" is a collaborative installation by Franka Diehnelt and Claudia Reisenberger that explores perceptions of space. 每个镜像球体的外部反射并扭曲其周围环境, 由于光线和颜色的微妙变化,在每个球体的内部产生了光学效果. 只供持票旅客于国际客运大楼G区登机. Post-Security.

“天花板的洪水,Keith Sonnier著, fully integrates with the airport's architectural lighting, so that travelers notice evenly spaced boxes of blue neon light on the left matched by evenly spaced boxes of red neon on the right as they move through the space. Accessible to ticketed passengers in Terminal 3, Boarding Area E only. Post-Security.



Dan is the Vice President, Global 市场ing, at San Francisco Travel. 十多年来,贝博体彩app一直是他的家(这使他成为当地人,对吧?). 在周末, you can find him with a cup of craft coffee in hand, 一个有良好共鸣的播放列表, a growing list of books to read, or out at the city's hottest new restaurant or bar.



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