贝博体彩app号 餐车餐饮指南 | San Francisco Travel-贝博体彩
游客们在花园乳品店的卡车上享用冰淇淋. 来源:《贝博体彩》


用玉米饼给参加活动的人一个惊喜, 汉堡, and more from San Francisco's best 快餐车s when you book with 漫游饥饿.

保证你下次在贝博体彩app的活动能吃到好吃的, 一个餐车预订和管理服务,比如 漫游饥饿 是该走的路吗. No need to traverse every hill in San Francisco searching for the best food 车 and street eats when 漫游饥饿 does the hard work for you.

Here is a guide to some of their most trusted partners, as well as tips for hiring a 快餐车 为你的聚会或活动准备.


In California, taco truck catering is as natural as queso on tortillas. 大多数角落都有很棒的墨西哥食物选择, 很容易找到美味的玉米饼, 墨西哥卷饼, 白天(或晚上)任何时间的Birria或mole!


享受尤卡坦半岛的风味 Cochinita的 混合了传统和现代的墨西哥菜肴. Go simple with asada and tamales or spice things up with marinated pulled pork stuffed in handmade corn tortillas. Everything they make is delightful, delicious and done to perfection.

  • 伟大的为: 生日,公司活动,大型团体.
从Cochinita享受传统和现代的墨西哥菜肴. 来源:《贝博体彩》


加州风味的墨西哥卷饼、玉米饼和薯条...哦,我的! 老式的米饭和豆子, 薯条和辣酱, 还有装满米饭的墨西哥卷饼, 黄瓜, 烤辣椒, roasted corn and chipotle-lime sauce are right around the corner with 在边境之外. 相信我们:你的客人会感谢你的.

  • 伟大的为: 婚礼,小型和大型活动,公司聚会.
经典的墨西哥美食提供了超越边界. 来源:《贝博体彩》


对于拉丁和家庭制作的菜肴, 桥牌游戏厨房 是必去之地. 咬一口脆脆的Canastaco, 一个巨大的炸鱼和奶酪填充的感觉, 或者试试金黄炸玉米卷, 早餐墨西哥卷饼或玉米片. 配上新鲜出炉的肉桂辣酱一起吞下.

  • 伟大的为: 家庭活动,素食主义者和素食主义者,一大群人.


多样化的,危险的美味食物是常态 圣智利鼹鼠令人难以置信的夫妻组合. 从烧烤排骨应有尽有, 辣椒狗, 牛腩卷、牛角包、夏威夷午餐肉和鸡蛋, this 快餐车 is serving up an array of amazing foods that are sure to excite appetites.

  • 伟大的为: 公司活动,家庭聚会,大型团体.



如果便携、不太快餐是你的偏好,那么 汉堡的卡车 适合你的活动吗. 松软的面包, 多汁的馅饼, melty cheese and lots of toppings are guaranteed with these grilling connoisseurs.


It's easy to get whisked away by the gourmet Angus 汉堡 served by the wonderful team at 轮子上的搅拌器. Whether you choose a chicken sandwich with sun-dried tomato aioli, 素食辣椒黑豆汉堡, or a pineapple-onion-and-harissa-kethcup-topped cheddar beef burger, 你一定会对他们美味的手持小吃感到满意.

  • 伟大的为: 自定义菜单,办公室聚会,小型和大型团体.


我也很饿 cooks up mouthwatering meats like slow-braised short-rib sliders, 草饲牛肉饼配上苹果木熏肉, 还有夏威夷鸡胸肉滑块. Be sure to grab a side of shoestring fries smothered in garlic and parmesan.

  • 伟大的为: 现场餐饮,公司活动,小型和大型团体.



Ghirardelli巧克力公司的诞生地, San Francisco is known as one of the chocolate capitals of the world. 这里也是著名面包师和糖果制造商的天堂. This hilly, energetic city is exactly the place to throw a party with scrumptious 甜品车餐饮.


When it comes to locally sourced ingredients and unique flavors, 科幻Gelateria这家店的冰淇淋把你吃饱了. Vegans can order a scoop of matcha-coconut or avocado-lime gelato, while milk lovers adore the honey lavender with blueberries and milk tea-flavored creamy treats. Either way, it's a dreamy 意大利 ice cream time that'll tickle every taste bud.

  • 伟大的为: 奇怪的事情,素食主义者和素食主义者,一大群人.


这款美丽的冰镇糖果棒是在 幸福的持久性有机污染物 能让每个人都露出笑容吗. Pure cream options like cookies and cream or chocolate fudgesicle are melt-in-your-mouth sensations. 无乳薄荷巧克力, 菠萝鳄梨, 椰子莓已经准备好填饱肚子了, 成熟善良. No one will regret lining up for this summery dessert experience!

  • 伟大的为: 办公室聚会,大群人,纯素食者和素食者.


极乐棒棒糖是一道美味的甜点. 来源:《贝博体彩》


的 fantastic vendors below bring flavorful meats and vegan treats to your door for any occasion you can imagine. 漫游饥饿 has every kind of cuisine you can think of and unbeatable options for each. 看一眼, 选择你最喜欢的, and let's get your preferred 快餐车 rolling on over to your party.


小屋Vegana food cart cafe is known for its insane vegan bites—from 墨西哥卷饼 and vegan hot dogs to feijoa bread and concha, the reviews on their very tasty vegan options are always glowing. When it comes to plant-based joy, this cart makes us what to cheer, "Oh, boy!"

  • 伟大的为: 片场餐饮,家庭聚会,素食主义者和素食主义者.


吃完,忘掉你的烦恼 的墓地吃得乱七八糟. 从烧烤滑块和猪里脊肉三明治开始, then move on to fall-off-the-bone (and into your mouth) ribs and brisket nachos slathered in sweet-yet-savory sauce. 的ir barbecue beans, slaw and salads are sides you won't want to miss out on.

  • 伟大的为: 公司活动,小型聚会,家庭聚会


Now that you've gotten a glimpse of San Francisco's diverse 快餐车 scene, here are some things to do to make your 快餐车 catering go smoothly.

  1. 最后确定预算. Food truck catering costs can range between $10 and $35 per guest, 所以有一个预算范围是很有用的, depending on the number of attendees you're expecting at your event. 这里有一个有用的价格分类.
  2. 决定数字. 我们建议每150-200名与会者使用一辆卡车, though you can always rent more than one to give your attendees variety.
  3. 选择菜单和菜肴. 漫游饥饿 快餐车s offer something for every palette and dietary preference. Some provide a main course and side-dish options while others will allow you to customize your menu.
  4. 查看当地法规. 如果你的活动是在公共场所或公园, 确保你把所有重要文件都准备好了, 比如城市许可证. 也, make sure that your 快餐车 contains any registration and certification required to operate in San Francisco.
  5. 选择一个地点. Contact your venue to confirm that 快餐车s are permitted to park at your event. Ensure that the parking space is large enough and on flat ground, 没有低垂的树枝或任何其他障碍.

现在你已经知道了你需要知道的一切 餐车租赁,是时候开始计划了. 让你的下一个活动大获成功!



漫游饥饿 使企业创造难忘的事件-随时随地. 自2009年以来,我们的在线餐饮 & 活动平台和内部体验营销代理; RMNG, have enabled events and hosts to facilitate incredible food-centric experiences. 超过21岁,500辆餐车, 预告片, 车, 以及我们网络中的移动餐饮服务商, 漫游饥饿 helps everyone from families to Fortune 500 companies accomplish successful catering events. 
